Kord aasta jooksul
Kord aasta jooksul
DNS Management
www.domain.com to one location and mail.domain.com to another location or server
Domain Name Server Management is used to allocate and point the various parts of the domain name to their destination.
Kord aasta jooksul
Kord aasta jooksul
Email Hosting
We will host your businesses email on the cloud using our top of the range servers. For us to provide you with your company email addresses you will need to have a domain name. If you do not have a domain name you can get yours from us!
Kord aasta jooksul
€5.00 Häälestamise tasu
Kord aasta jooksul
€5.00 Häälestamise tasu
Static IP Address
A Fixed IP address for use on a website and domain name.
Kord aasta jooksul
Kord aasta jooksul
Business Hosting
Standard business hosting pack. Suits most small to medium sized businesses.
Kord aasta jooksul
Kord aasta jooksul
VPS for Business
Virtual Private Server business hosting. Suits most small to medium sized businesses that require exclusive usage of a server. 4 Core CPU, 8 GB RAM, 200GB SSD Hard Disk, Centos OS7, Plesk Control Panel
Kord aasta jooksul
Kord aasta jooksul
VPS Plus for Business
Virtual Private Server business hosting. Suits most medium to large sized businesses that require exclusive usage of a server. 6 Core CPU, 16GB RAM, 400GB SSD Hard Disk, Centos OS7, Plesk Control Panel.
Kord aasta jooksul
Kord aasta jooksul
Ecommerce Hosting
On-shops need bandwidth and large storage. This package suits this needs.